Sherry Herman-HilkerĀ
October is National Physical Therapy Month! Physical Therapists (PT) are an integral part of the Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC). Your HTC PT is a specialist in the care of people with bleeding disorders, but he or she can help with or direct you to other therapists who can help with a variety of things!
Things you can ask your PT about besides joint and muscle bleeds:
- strength and conditioning
- joint protection
- pain management
- balance, coordination, and falls
- pelvic pain or incontinence
- workout planning
- vocational and career considerations
- maintaining a healthy weight
- selecting shoes and footwear
- concerns about developmental delays in children
- recess and gym class and IEPās or 504 plans at school
- sports and activity selection and adaptations
- sports injury management
- post injury rehabilitation
- orthotics, splints, and bracing
- mobility equipment; wheelchairs/walkers/canes
- back care and proper lifting
- headaches
- pain
Thank you to our HTC physical therapists for all that they do to support their patients!