Become a Member
Membership Organizations
What is a membership organization?
A membership structure is not unique to HFM, though not every nonprofit organization adopts this model. Membership organizations, like HFM, prioritize their constituents by providing them a formal pathway for participation in key decision-making. Each year, our members gather at SpringFest—our annual conference, to review the progress of the organization and when necessary: to vote on issues.
The membership program is outlined in HFM’s by-laws and an excerpt may be found below.
Why should I join as a Member?
Membership is a way for you to have a voice as many formal decisions are made. Have you ever wanted to vote on board members? Members have that privilege. At times, members have been called upon to vote on changes to our by-laws and other issues. Through membership, you have a chance to shape the future of HFM.
What benefits will I receive as a Member?
In addition to voting privileges, members are invited to a members-only reception at Springfest—HFM’s annual conference. Members will also receive some special swag and the appreciation of your community!
How do I become a Member?
Please fill out the form below. There is a $40 yearly fee per household, or you may opt to become a lifetime member for $1,000. Membership serves first-and-foremost as an opportunity to take an active role in the community. If you or a member of your immediate family have a bleeding disorder and find the yearly fee to be cost-prohibitive, please reach out to Carrie McCulloch at cmcculloch@hfmich.org. Scholarships are available.
HFM by-laws regarding membership:
Section 1:
Membership: Membership in HFM shall be open to all persons interested in furthering the purposes of the foundation. Payment specifically directed as annual membership dues or lifetime membership, or the waiver of payment of dues, attains membership.
A. The Board of Directors may grant honorary or special memberships.
B. The Board of Directors or designated committee sets membership dues and shall make determinations regarding requests to waive membership dues
Section 2:
Privileges of membership: HFM Membership entitles voting privileges at all general membership meetings.
Section 3:
Membership meetings include Annual Meeting, Special Meetings, Notice of meetings.
A. HFM’s Annual Meeting takes place each year at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors.
B. Special Meetings of the membership may be called at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
C. Notification of the Annual Meeting or Special Meeting will be provided to the membership by mail and/or email providing time, place, and purpose of the annual or special meeting not less than 10 days in advance of such meeting.
D. Election of Board of Directors will take place at the Annual Meeting with voting privileges limited to those members of the organization who are 18 years of age or older and in good standing with their membership.