In case of emergency only: Pioneer Trails 231.894.4768
HFM's Social Media Policy
HFM does not sanction or monitor any Facebook or social media pages outside of direct HFM sites and maintains a strict policy on social media use by campers and counselors. HFM does not allow any personal information to be disclosed online that may identify staff or campers. Photos are only shared on direct HFM sites with parental permission. Campers, staff, or community members who engage in behavior against HFM’s policy may not be allowed to participate with camp and/or other HFM activities.
Mail at Camp!
When a camper receives THREE pieces of mail (either email or USPS mail) on the same day, the camper will have the opportunity to tell a joke or sing a song to the rest of camp during dinner. Sending your child three separate pieces of mail to arrive at camp on the same day will ensure that he/she has the chance to participate in the fun!
Snail Mail Address
Camper’s Name
c/o Pioneer Trails
1421 E Fruitvale Road
Holton, MI 49425
Email Address
Subject line: Camper’s first and last name