Upper Peninsula Retreat
Friday, October 21 – Saturday, October 22, 2022
We look forward to spending time with our UP families!
Attendees will receive:
• Hotel room for patient(s) and family members Friday night and Saturday night if needed. NOTE: There must be a parent/ guardian in each room with children under 18
• Friday dinner; Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner
• Educational sessions
• Opportunities for discussions with other patients
• Information from pharmaceutical companies and specialty pharmacies
3p Room Check-In Starts
Comfort Suites 2463 US Hwy 41 W, Marquette
6-9p Dinner, Bowling, Arcade, and RAP session
Superior Entertainment Center
3060 US Hwy 41 W, Marquette
Industry representatives will be available during the evening.
NOTE: Childcare is not provided Friday night; children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at bowling and pizza
6a Hotel Breakfast Starts
9-3:30p Educational Sessions
Peninsula Room II, Northern Center, Northern Michigan University; 1401 Presque Isle Ave, Marquette, MI 49855
Educational programming will be provided for youth ages 5-17 at the Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum.
NOTE: Childcare will not be available for children 0-4 years. Limited financial assistance is available upon request to offset childcare costs.
Please email Shari Luckey at sluckey@hfmich.org for more information.
Special thanks to our sponsors who will be joining us and for helping make this weekend possible!
Soaring Eagle Sponsor:
Happy Camper Sponsors:
Friends of HFM Sponsor:
Event Sponsors:
Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan (HFM) does not endorse any specific product or company.