Susan Fenters Lerch
Executive Director //
Susan Fenters Lerch is an accomplished leader who has served in the non-profit sector for more than three decades. Sue joined HFM as the Executive Director in June 2014; however she came to this role having previously served as the HFM Associate Director from 1983-1996. As the Executive Director, Susan not only oversees all of the camping programs, but she is responsible for statewide patient educational programming and advocacy services and also serves as the Great Lakes and Region V-East Hemophilia Treatment Centers’ Regional Director.
Tim Wicks
Camp & Youth Services Director //
Tim Wicks is the Camp & Youth Services Director for the Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan. He is responsible for the year round components of Camp Bold Eagle, Eagle Outpost, Eagle Expedition, Eagle Quest, and the Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program. Tim was raised outside of Deshler, Ohio and holds a BS from Grace Bible College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Prior to HFM, he was employed as Outdoor Education Instructor at Michindoh Camp and Conference Center. Tim has worked with HFM as a camp staff member since 2000, and even participated in the camping programs as a teenager. He also has severe hemophilia A.
Anthony Stevens
Educational Services Manager/ Associate Camp Director //
Anthony is the Educational Services Manager/Associate Camp Director at HFM.
Amy Hepper
MD Medical Director
Dr. Hepper oversees all of HFM’s camping programs as the Medical Director, specifically managing the medical students who serve as counselors, as well as being responsible for the medical care provided at camp. She is a pediatrician at the University of Michigan Critical Care Special Services department. Dr. Hepper attended the University of Michigan medical school, where she completed a rotation at Camp Bold Eagle as part of her medical school training, and later returned as a Resident Physician for another summer at Camp Bold Eagle.
Diana Mathis
RN Health Center Director
Diana Mathis is the Health Center Director for HFM’s camping programs. She serves at the University of Michigan Pediatric Hemophilia Treatment Center as a Nurse Coordinator. Diana has led the Health Center at camp since the early 2000s. She now oversees and coordinates the efforts of all the healthcare professionals involved in the camping programs in order to create the safest, healthiest, and most educational environment possible.