HFM’s chapter newsletter, The Artery, celebrates the Michigan bleeding disorders community and provides information on HFM events, programs and services. We love to highlight members of our community and share the many ways we support one another.
The Artery is published three times a year and is available online and in printed format. More than 4,000 households receive each edition of The Artery by postal mail and through online channels. The Artery is also distributed online through Facebook and Instagram and sent to our email list. If you would like a hard copy of The Artery or want to be added to our email or postal mailing list, please call us at 734-544-0015.

Winter 2024
In 2024, our HFM team of leadership volunteers, staff, community members, treatment center colleagues, and various supporters have again come together to make a difference for those affected by bleeding disorders across Michigan and our region.
Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Looking ahead, I am excited by the events and initiatives we have planned. From educational workshops, multiple Eagle Journey summer camps, to various retreats and gatherings, we hope to offer something for everyone to engage with and enjoy. Our programming is designed to create opportunities for us to come together, share experiences, and grow even stronger as a community.
Winter 2023
As another year draws to a close, we consider the many opportunities we’ve had in 2023 to come together with our community, care providers, and supporters.
As tremendous advancements in treatment continue to develop, HFM keeps our community and our history close to our hearts as we consider the profound impact living with a bleeding disorder has for individuals and families.
Fall 2023
Spring 2023
Winter 2022
With 2023 quickly approaching please know how grateful I am, together with HFM’s team, to our community for your continued support, engagement with programs, as well as your willingness to share ideas. We appreciate opportunities to work together sharing information, education, and available services via HFM and related organizations.
Fall 2022
spring 2022
This is an extraordinary year to consider as we have each faced a variety of hardships and challenges. We’ve needed to figure out how to best reach out, and further understand our bleeding disorder community’s needs and resilience.
Winter 2021
Our HFM board and staff are continuing our best efforts to determine how to offer programming and services in safe and productive ways. As a social service health agency, with additional significant responsibilities related to our federal region of treatment centers, we believe community and patient safety is a top priority.
FALL 2021
This is an extraordinary year to consider as we have each faced a variety of hardships and challenges. We’ve needed to figure out how to best reach out, and further understand our bleeding disorder community’s needs and resilience.
Spring/summer 2021
I know each of us is doing our best to carry on while handling so many challenges. Please know we are here to encourage and cherish all those who make up our bleeding disorders family
Winter 2020/2021
This is an extraordinary year to consider as we have each faced a variety of hardships and challenges. We’ve needed to figure out how to best reach out, and further understand our bleeding disorder community’s needs and resilience.
Fall 2020
2020 continues to be a year we will never forget.
Most of our lives have changed dramatically these last many months. HFM remains here for you and yours.
Spring/SUmmer 2020
The Era of Virtual Programming: Camp at Home, online programming, and resources for your wellbeing!
WINTER 2019/2020
Winter 2018
Winter 2017
Spring/summer 2017
Featuring SpringFest 2017 Waves of Change, adoption opportunities and HFM in Sri Lanka!
Winter 2016
HFM Celebrates 60 Years of Service to the Michigan Bleeding Disorder Community!
Fall 2016
The Camp Issue. Eagle Journeys: Camp Bold Eagle | Eagle Quest | Eagle Expedition | Eagle Outpost.
Winter 2015
HFM’s Regional von Willebrand Disease Conference, Annual Regional Meeting, Valuable Adoption information and so much more.