Michigan All Copays Count Coalition Legislative Advocacy Day
September 28, 2022 | Lansing, MI
New date!
Join HFM and the Michigan All Copays Count Coalition on September 28 to help pass House Bill 4353; legislation in support of helping patients pay for life-saving medication!
House Bill 4353 ensures that any payment made by you, or on your behalf, counts towards your deductible and out-of-pocket costs by prohibiting a harmful practice known as copay accumulator adjustments. The bill passed the House in March 2021 and has since been sitting in the Senate Health Policy and Human Services Committee for over a year without receiving a hearing!
We need YOU to help build support for HB 4353 by sharing your story with your state senator!
- The day will include a morning issue briefing and breakfast with special guest Representative Bronna Kahle, legislative meetings with your state representative and senator, and a luncheon with the full Michigan All Copays Count Coalition.
- This event is NO COST for Michigan patients and providers.
Registration closes on September 7, 2022.Ā
HFM is able to provide overnight lodging for up to 10 Michigan bleeding disorders community members who need to arrive the evening of Tuesday, September 27.
Please contact Sarah Procario at sprocario@hfmich.org for more information.