Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) is a program within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, administered under Title V of the Federal Social Security Act.  It was created to find, diagnose, and treat children and some adults in Michigan with chronic health care needs. CSHCS is committed to removing barriers to appropriate health care and may be able to help with paying specialty medical bills, covering insurance co-pays and deductibles for private insurance, helping families to keep private insurance, and addressing transportation needs for medical care.  

CSHCS covers people under the age of 21 with a qualifying medical condition. However, the age limitation is waived for patients with certain blood clotting disorders (hemophilia and other bleeding disorders) and cystic fibrosis. Families of all incomes are eligible to join, including those with other health insurance including Medicaid–though there may be a yearly fee to join CSHCS based on family income and family size. Visit or call the CSHCS Family Phone Line at 800-359-3722 for more information.

CSHCS’s funding can change yearly. The program is funded through a combination of federal (Title XIX and Title V) funds, as well as state general funds. While Title V funds are capped, state general funding levels may vary based on the state budgetary needs. Additionally, language providing adult coverage must be maintained in the annual appropriations bill each year to ensure access for our adult population. In 2005, the Granholm Administration proposed eliminating coverage for cystic fibrosis and hemophilia adults in the Title V program. The bleeding disorders community organized an effective campaign against the proposal and successfully saved the adult coverage.

If you have questions about your medications or insurance, please talk to your Hemophilia Treatment Center. Everyone has a unique situation based on his or her diagnosis, insurance benefits, and provider–your HTC will be best able to answer your personal questions.

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